Monday, April 25, 2011

Weekly Update for Capstone

Name: Elaine Lin Date: March 11, 2011
Project: Going Green
Scores of the week: 10, 10, 10, 10, 9, 10, 10

The goal of the project was to originally work with the gardening club to rebuild the destroyed greenhouse behind Ms. Kerner’s room as well as promoting for a healthier, green planet. It has changed over the course of Capstone by now the greenhouse will be rebuilt in our school courtyard. Also, we would like to raise awareness about the greenhouse effect and global warming as well as show students how they are able to grow their own food.
3/25/11 - The goal of this week was to buy the greenhouse, tiles, and everything else we needed in order to get the greenhouse set. This goal was pushed back due to the cost.
4/1/11 - The goal of this week is to prepare everything we need for one final, last fund-raising. Next Monday, Rachel and I will be selling Chinese food in front of Ms. L-G's classroom. We hope that we will accumulate enough money to buy all the materials we need.
4/8/11 - The goal of this week is to start building the greenhouse as soon as possible. We have already ordered the greenhouse, so all we have to do now is wait for it to come before we can start building.
4/15/11 - The goal of this week is to start growing some plants, so that when the greenhouse is built, we can already have some plants inside it.
4/22/11 - The goal of this week is to get the rest of the necessary materials purchased to get the greenhouse built. Thankfully, Mr. Renner was very thoughtful and agreed to help us purchase the materials since we do not have much time left.
4/29/11 - The goal of this week is to start wrapping up our capstone project. We are hoping to finish our methodology, summary and conclusion, and our multimedia presentation as soon as possible.
5/6/11 -
5/13/11 -
5/20/11 -

Investigate the World: Produce New Global Knowledge.

I have incorporated this element of the GPS into my Capstone project by identifying global warming and the greenhouse effect as my main topics. My review of literature goes into further detail about how society views this topic. Although the topic of global warming is highly debated upon, I believe that global warming does exist. My strength in this area is being able to connect my capstone project with the world. I have used several sources to construct coherent responses to globally significant researchable questions. This is my strength because I am able to explain my topic to others with actual evidence. This is demonstrated in my Capstone in my Review of Literature as well as when explaining my Capstone project to others. My weakness in this area is to develop an argument that considers multiple perspectives. I consider this to be my weakness because although I did mention that the topic of global warming is highly debated upon, I did not explain both sides of the argument, but rather, only one side of the argument. I plan to correct this weakness by researching the opposing argument on global warming to gain more insight, and then edit my review of literature, so that it has an actual argument that considers multiple perspectives.
3/25/11 - I further investigated people's suspicions for the cause of the earthquake and tsunami in Japan, and found that some associate the earthquake with global warming. Because global warming causes temperature change - melting ice masses change the pressures on the underlying earth, which can lead to earthquakes and tsunamis. Rising seas also change the balance of mass across earth’s surface, putting new strain on old earthquake faults. (

Recognize and Weigh Perspectives: Apply Cross-Cultural Understanding.

I have incorporated this element of the GPS into my Capstone project by expressing my own opinion about my thoughts on global warming and the greenhouse effect as well as how fortunate America is compared to many other countries. Because everything in America is already made for us, this Capstone project gives us a chance to step back and do things for ourselves by learning how to grow our own food. My strength in this area is knowing cultural interactions influence situations, events, issues or phenomena. This is my strength because I realize that many different societies have different points of views due to the culture surrounding them. This is demonstrated in my Capstone by us trying to change the perspective of students that we can and are able to grow our own food that looks and tastes good. My weakness in this area is examining perspectives of other people and identifying the influences on those perspectives. This is my weakness because I am not able to pin point exactly what influences their perspective. I plan on correcting this weakness by becoming more informed of the world around me.
3/25/11- We discussed with Mr. Yu where we can place the greenhouse.
4/1/11 - We talked to Mr. Renner about making a "foundation" for the greenhouse / ways to make the greenhouse more sturdy. We discussed about using cement /rebar to embed the greenhouse, however, Mr. Yu has vetoed that decision.
4/8/11 - We have decided that the foundation for the greenhouse will require sand and tiles. We will first put sand to level out the area in the courtyard we will use, and then places tiles where the greenhouse will be placed.
4/15/11 - We talked to Mr. Renner about purchasing the tiles and sand, and he was kind enough to agree to take us to purchase the materials needed.
4/22/11 - Unfortunately, Mr. Renner was busy last week and could not take us to buy it. So instead, we agreed to give him the money and he could buy it for us instead.
5/6/11 -
5/13/11 -
5/20/11 -

Communicate Ideas: Connect & Collaborate Across Boundaries.

I have incorporated this element of the GPS into my Capstone project by seeing different people’s response towards our goal to rebuild the greenhouse as well as the topic of global warming and the greenhouse effect in general. My strengths in this area are listening and communicating effectively with
diverse people, using appropriate verbal and non-verbal behavior, languages and strategies as well as using appropriate technology to communicate and collaborate with diverse audiences. These are my strength because we knew exactly how we wanted to communicate with these local companies. We wrote a proposal for the company as well as making a sample advertisement for their company to see what they would receive by making a contribution towards our goal. My weakness in this area is reflecting on how effective communication impacts understanding and collaboration in an interdependent world. This is my weakness because at first I thought that we would just mail/e-mail companies our proposal. I corrected my weakness by realizing that it was much more effective to go there in person to explain our mission for our project.
3/25/11 - We contacted local companies such as Home Depot and Lowe's asking about purchasing a greenhouse.
4/1/11 - We contacted online companies by calling in, confirming the price and items sold. We made sure that the product we are looking to buy is the correct one we want to purchase.
4/8/11 - We purchased the greenhouse - free of tax and shipping. I think the greenhouse we purchased is good for the price we paid.
4/15/11 - The gardening club has brought some seeds, and talking to Ms. Williams about what kinds of seed we should purchase.
4/29/11 - We are looking to make an announcement to the school to ask for volunteers to help us build the greenhouse. We are hoping to get the school community involved with our project.
5/6/11 -
5/13/11 -
5/20/11 -

Take Action: Enact Global Solutions.

I have incorporated this element of the GPS into my Capstone project by initially communicating with Mr. Amerson, Mr. Yu, Ms.Kerner, and Ms. Williams about our plans to rebuild the greenhouse as well as communicating with people from our local community to make contributions to our greenhouse. We have taken into account our previous fundraising approaches and came up with a completely different one. My strength in this area is communicating with people from our local community. This is a strength because we visited many companies asking for contributions, and were successful in several. However, many companies were not able to give us an answer right on the spot because cannot make those kind of decisions by themselves, but instead, the corporate office has to make those decisions. This is demonstrated in my Capstone by our fundraising aspect. My weakness in this area is to reflect on their capacity to advocate for and contribute to improvement locally. This is my weakness because I expected more companies to buy an advertisement from us, not only because it was for a good cause, but because the price for the advertisement was really inexpensive as well. I plan on correcting these weaknesses by realizing that not every company is able to help us in our goal to rebuild the greenhouse.
3/25/11 - We went to local stores, such as Home Depot and Lowe's in search of the best greenhouse we can purchase. We talked to the employees whom were very helpful.
4/1/11 - We calculated the total amount of money we need to buy everything. This includes the greenhouse, tiles, plants, seeds, etc. We were a bit short on money, so Mr. Yu has allowed us to sell Chinese food one last time.
4/8/11 - After selling Chinese food, we are still a bit short on money. Rachel and I will each chip in some more money in order to achieve our goal of building a good greenhouse.
4/15/11 - The greenhouse has finally arrived to our school.
4/22/11 - We have already begun planting some seeds.
4/29/11 - We're looking to get the school involved with our project as well.
5/6/11 -
5/13/11 -
5/20/11 -

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